
Hello and welcome to my humble blog! My interests are in God, my family and friends, being myself, SteamPunk , sewing, plants, the Great Outdoors, volunteering, gaming, and loving life.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Flight of the Chrysalis,TechCommander,and Dagorhir

Well this weekend I went to a Flight of the Chrysalis which is more than a Christian based retreat.If you ever go on one you know what I mean and also why there are some things not to be shared,lol.  :^)  But had my relationship with God revamped ten-fold and made a LOT of new friends who I bonded with well plus they actually live in the same state I live in (for once)...Hahahaha..

  Anyhoo,now to the second order of business..I first saw TechCommander played and displayed at Origins 2011 (last month,lol) and I really liked it.I talked to Brian (the maker of it and also SailPower) and he explained all my questions and was very professional about,yatta,yatta...Anyhoo,I like it so much that I've been praying about if I should get it or wait a few months.A main reason to getting it now is because of something "confidential and top secret" is greatly influencing my decision to buy now than later.I really enjoy everything about I must say.Oh I just realized,I hadn't explained what it is! Oh dear,I beseech thy forgiveness.TechCommander is a 28mm scale Mecha game that instead of involving mecha's (note:the term mecha without the "a" is copyrighted by BattleTech,MechWarrior,and Catalyst game labs.No CopyRight infringement intended) piloted by pilots they are controlled as a robot from a control ship somewhere within the general vicinity of that solar system.It is a cool game concept that instead of having mechas be the king of the battlefield they are just something to help it along where as powered infantry are the most heavily relied on units.Anyhoo,let me cut the long story (which is pretty sweet btw) short.Pretty much this is a homebrewed (as most systems start out as anyways) from a couple in the Columbus.Ohio region and what they are known for is Wizards,Liards,and Things (If I recall correctly) pewter jewelry and SailPower (a naval warfare game).Oh yeah,the main reason for this paragraph is because I've been waiting since the 6th to have money transferred to my PayPal so I can order a starter..Ugh! it said it'd be ready soon but isn't.

  Third order of business:I have been busy practicing fighting and also made a Maul last week (no,I was not inspired by Thor.I actually was going to be making a German war hammer style weapon but quickly changed that to a Red style weapon,lol).

Chrysalis website:http://www.upperroom.org/chrysalis/
Dagorhir website:http://www.dagorhir.com/
Picture of German war hammer:http://www.by-the-sword.com/acatalog/images/cd-167b.jpg

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