
Hello and welcome to my humble blog! My interests are in God, my family and friends, being myself, SteamPunk , sewing, plants, the Great Outdoors, volunteering, gaming, and loving life.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My collection at the moment

Ok,well I've been busy with school and helping getting this years garden going but I just got some figures from my friend Sean who is a LotR TMG player from Toronto,Ontario,Canada (which I googled by the way and its 394 miles away (quikest route) and 6 hours and 49 minutes,but I doubt thats including traffic or customs).Anyhoo,so I layed out all my non-duplicates on the floor and sorted them by alignment and faction,then I had an idea to take a picture of my smallish but growing collection but I couldn't get a good shot so I smushed em all together and and then took a picture with all the "Official" LotR TMG dice I have as well.Anyhoo,hope yall enjoy,but now that I have 3 extra starter Lurtzs I think I'm going to turn em into Uruk-Hai warriors or something (simple really,print out the proper base stats,paint a hand on his shield to tell him apart and maybe move the limbs around a little bit for added differentness).Cheers --Nate--

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Ok,its been a while since I've posted so I must apologize about that.Things have been busy,I got my license,I took hunter safety,my sister's birthday came up,been broke,have had a job interview(12:45 this morning) and the second interview for the position is tomorrow night at 11:30 so wish me luck.Lets see,I haven't done much for modeling except I FINALLY painted my Chamber of Records...But according to Murphey's Law my little cousin stepped on the throne area only 2 days after I painted it so that was kinda annoying.Okay then,also my folks got a bunch of games (Rebuilding San Jaun,Carcasonne(more like crackasonne),another one I can't remember,etc..) and one of them was Risk 2210 so we've played it a couple of times and I really REALLY like that game.So one thing I did was to look up expansions and I found that you can pretty much conquer half the solar system and a bunch of commanders...The best part is that its all free (except for the printing cost...I'm gonna get another cartridge before I print off mars or any of the territory cards...  :^/ ).Anyhoo,oh yeah,like I was typing,I love boardgamegeek.com for all their goodness,anyhoo,I gotta go and get ready for WinterJam tonight so toodles and ciao.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Some WarHammer terrain

Ok,its official,I finally caved..WarHammer Fantasy is one of my new hobbies (filling the once LotR SBG slot).So my army of choice is Skaven and last night I decided to begin construction on some terrain for em (I have a few months before I'll even get money to buy any Skaven) and this is what I got so far: